Perlu Bantuan? Klik Link Whatsapp Pusat Layanan Kami disini - JANGAN TAKUT BICARA! Ayo Laporkan segala bentuk Korupsi, Gratifikasi, Penyalahgunaan Wewenang dan Pelanggaran Kode Etik PNS yang terjadi di BPS Kab. Barsel silahkan klik disini. Identitas Anda dijamin kerahasiaannya.
Kalimantan Tengah's economy grew 6,21 percent in 2014 slower than 2013 which amounted to 7,38 percent. On the production side, the highest growth achieved by undertaking of Electricity and Gas Procurement of 16,07 percent. On the expenditure side the highest growth achieved by Consumption Expenditures of Non-profit Organization Component about 8,83 percent.