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ROR for star hotels at 48.28%, up 8.54 points during February 2020.
The number of guests staying at star hotels rose 10.16 percent, from 21.6 83 people (January 2020) to 23,885 people (February 2020). In contrast, the number of guests staying at non-star hotels dropped 8.00 percent, from 69,861 people (January 2020) to 64,272 people (February 2020).
Cumulatively, the number of guests staying at star hotels rose 5.64 percent, from 43,136 people (January-February 2019) to 45,568 people (January-February 2020). The number of guests at non-star hotels also rose 36.27 percent, from 98,433 people (January-February 2019) to 134,133 people (January-February 2020).
Room occupancy rate (ROR) of star hotels rose 8.54 points, from 39.74 percent (January 2020) to 48.28 percent (February 2020). In the same period, non-star hotel ROR also rose 0.62 points, from 20.68 percent (January 2020) to 21.30 percent (February 2020).
The average length of stay in star hotels (1.61 days), longer than those in non-star hotels (1.22 days).